The CyberLock Electronic Lock and Key System from Videx offers an effective solution for fire departments and emergency medical service organizations that need to get control of their keys and track and control access to their controlled substances. A great deal can be saved on installation costs because CyberLock uses the lock hardware that is already present in rescue vehicle and firehouse narcotics safes. Simply replace the mechanical cylinders inside existing safe locks with CyberLock electronic cylinders. Departments are tasked with tracking and securing their narcotics without interrupting the flow of daily rescue responsibilities. CyberLock makes this easier as each responsible employee's key can be programmed with the specific access permissions they need to inventory narcotics or access narcotics while doing their job in the field. Both the electronic key and lock record openings and exceptions such as unauthorized attempts to enter. This detailed audit reporting increases accountability and can be very valuable when management needs to know who and when someone has accessed a safe.